The Miraculous Power of Prayer !!!
We are born in this world as individual 1000 identities, then follow our own path that is designed by us or destined for us. It is often said that a person's life a lot depends on the Karma - Good and Bad. It is believe in almost all religious texts that good karma brings good fortune and happy, satisfied life; whereas the bad karma gives us unfortunate and obstacles or as we say unhappy life. It is also said that our actions also play a major role in this, we should be kind, respectful and grounded towards other, behave in a good way.
What if we still face obstacles or hardships or unfortunate things or we are always in pain or grief??
It is said and believed that Prayer can make anything possible, in-fact prayers are considered to be the most miraculous and powerful that can change one's life.
Prayer to God can vary, everyone has their own way to pray but the dedication or the sincerity with which you pray counts. Any pain or any grief can be overcome if you pray with full faith and sincerity. It is also said that a good and sincere or true prayer can change the effect of bad karmas and make our life easy. It can save us from some obstacles or problems.
Prayer is magical in true sense, as we have seen that a prayer can wave the bad time or instances, in-fact it is the prayer that brought Satyavan was brought back to life by his wife's prayers (Savitri). The god was so pleased by her prayer that he gave back her husband's life.
It is often said that whatever is prayed or asked to god with full firm belief is always granted but it should surely follow good actions and good intentions. Bad intentions or not considered as good powerful prayer.
All the Prayers are answered it is just the way to ask for it ; the way you believe and be true to it !!!