You need to deal with toxic people. But How?
There are so many different people which differ in their behavior, character, thinking ability, problem-solving nature, nature of patience & much nature.
But sometimes you can found some toxic people, which means they not happy with your progress, they feel jealous when someone improves, they obstruct to do anything or they think about only their improvement not others, etc.
In this situation or with this type of people, do you know How to deal with them?
Ok, let's know How to deal with toxic people & What we need to do with toxic people? If you have such an idea or any knowledge except the following, then must share your commitment.
Allow them;
It means not all the time, but most of the time you need to cool, calm & be careless about toxic people. Allow them to angry upon you & to jealous about you.
Don't worry about toxic people or what other people say, just focus on your work, aim & what you want. Even you are feeling angry, remain neutral to serve you.
Because you are not toxic if you quarrel with toxicity then you will be toxic. Also, you well known, that when something is added to the toxicity the whole content will be toxic. So allow them, what they feels about you.
Don't compare;
Just avoid the comparison. If you started comparing with toxic people, it means you allowed them to destroy your inner voice, the voice of your heart & you allowed them to follow them, not to your goal.
Because comparison creates a difference in what you have & what they have, what they have & what you don't have, etc. This feel you worst against & you are nothing to anything.
Rather than comparing yourself, think about what is important for you, focus on your work & focus on self-improvement to achieve success.
Because you know, both sun & moon blooms but at their own time.
Hope this will help you.