How To Overcome Bad Habit With Self Motivation:
Every human being born on this planet will be exposed to bad habits in different phases of his life. Bad habit is a negative behaviour pattern, which may effect the social, financial, psychological life of the person involved in it.
Habits like biting nails, thumb sucking, hair pulling etc., are common among the children. They must be dealt with patience and love. Good habits should be rewarded and praised and bad habits must be discouraged. Thus the child will overcome bad habits in the initial stages of growth.
Bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, gambling etc., is very bad for our health and well being. The process of coming out of this habit is very tedious, but it is not next to impossible. The following steps can be taken to motivate ourself to abstain from the bad habit.
TIP NO. 1:
The negative effects of the bad habit should be written on a clipboard and hung in a prominent place of your house so that you can read it everyday.Thus the ill effects will be engraved in your mind and you may abstain from the bad habit in a slow phase.
TIP NO. 2:
Close your eyes and imagine the negative consequenses of the bad habit on your health and finance.Thus the next time you feel like continuing the habit the picture you had imagined while closing your eyes will pass through your mind's eye and you may not continue the habit.
Close your eyes and sit in a meditative position and think of the positive consquences of the life without the bad habit.
It will be easy for you to come out of the bad habit if you counsel others who are slaves of different bad habits.You will gain confidence in yourself thereby have a positive impact on your life style.
Take a oath in front of god or in front of elders that you will not continue with the bad habit from now onwards.Your love and fear of elders or god may discourage you to continue with the bad habit.
The most effective way to forget the bad habit is by engaging yourself in exercise, any games, yoga, walking, prayer, playing with children, singing or listening to music, reading good books etc.
Never ever mingle with people who are slaves of bad habits.Try to avoid friendship and situations that encourage bad habits.
In case of need do not hesitate to get timely advise from the Psychiatrist or Counsellor.
If you have abstained from the bad habit for atleast a weak, talk casually with any one close to you, and tell about the change you have made in your life.They might feel happy and may give you support in the coming days.
Thus a life without bad habit will be filled with positive vibes and happiness. You will note that your financial problems are partially solved. Your spouse and children will be happy and may respect you more than before. As the saying goes 'slow and steady wins the race', it will take its own time. But it will surely have a happy ending.