What are some little known but extremely cute animals?
The Latin name of the animal: Setonix brachyurus . (I'm writing this just to get hot, you don't need to know).
How can they be so adorable? They are the size of a domestic cat. See how they smile. It is their smile that has made them famous as "the happiest animals in the world"; in fact they seem to have a perpetually happy expression printed on their face. A Mona Lisa smile. Other animals that have "natural smiles" that I remember .
"The happiest animal in the world", however, isn't all sun, beach, and candy . A quokka's large feet are equipped with very sharp claws. They can hurt you if they get the chance. They are nocturnal marsupials but they have altered their life patterns so that they are awake during the day to be admired by tourists, then have food delivered by them. They are some of the smallest members of the so-called macropods (or "big feet").
They originate from only one place in the world, they live in the southwest of Western Australia. Its largest population is found on Rottnest Island which is only about seven square miles, but more than 10,000 quokkas inhabit it. There are also small groups on Bald Island and mainland Australia. As you can see, Australia doesn't just have scary animals! They eat flowers and carry their babies in their natural "baby carriers". They are adorable and love to climb trees! They can climb up to 2 meters high! They are not in danger of extinction, but their demographic trends are decreasing. They live up to 10 years, can give birth twice a year - so in a life of 10 years they could produce 15 to 17 puppies. Wouldn't you like to have one as a pet? I'm sorry, but you can't. They are wild animals. You could neither smuggle them nor domesticate them for "cuddling" purposes. The Rottnest Island authorities will charge you a hefty $ 300 fine if they catch you even touching a Quokka.