Quote of the day- Read this article and get motivated in your life.
Hi guys!!! I am here to motivate you and get success in life. Ok lets get started.
Keep your heart as a one sided mirror. Nothing can hurt you....
Now tell me, what is a mirror? It is a thing that reflects the thing. Even it is light or anything.
So that, I tell you that you should keep your heart as a mirror. So that anything that makes you sad, cannot enter into the heart. So that nothing can hurt you. I think you can understand.
Now lets talk about you? Yes about you!! That must be quite interesting..
What will you do in your home...at free time?
Rooming in street?
Chat with someone?
Talking with friends?
Or studying?
Or researching?
Ok mention your activity in here.
Now you get problems when you talk to your friends. I am right....
When you talk to your friends... You can fight or you will get angry and don't talk for many days..
But this is not the correct situation to explain...I think soo..
The all solutions for your problems is... being happy. That's the meaning of mirroring of hurts. When you didn't like something and get aw...you should suddenly put on a smiling action in your face... But it is difficult, I know, but it is the best pain killer for you. When you smile.. your mind and heart slightly changes..
A man who changes every situation to happy.. deserves the first prize for heart.
Because he can make himself happy and make others happy too..
So be happy.. stay happy...
Thank you guys...!!!