Magical compound which controls BP and clears heart blockage
Now a days having blood pressure and Diabetes after fifties became a new normal but here is a good news for you .
By eating certain green veggies our body starts producing Nitric oxide which have magical properties. Usually body starts producing Nitric oxide when green leafy vegetables consumed in raw form. Production of nitric oxide is directly proportional to the intake of green leafy vegetables.
Nitric Oxide is a compound which has unique properties to reduce high blood pressure and also stimulates the production of Insulin .
In research scientist found that blood pressure will reduce as increase in nitric oxide levels in a body .
It also helps to reduce blockage of arteries.
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This miracle compound is start producing by our body when we start eating green veggies regularly with sufficient quantity.This miraculous compound starts widening the arteries results in normal blood pressure .
This miraculous compound also starts reducing the excess cholesterol from the arteries. And prevents heart attack.
The vegetables like spinach , beetroot , citrus fruits and leafy Green vegetables have high contains of nitric oxide . Garlic , beetroot and pomegranate have ability to produce high level of nitric oxide when consumed in raw form.
To get good results eat 50% of your diet from salad which contains high amount of nutritions and nitric oxide.
To get better results as soon as possible eat curd which contains good bacteria to help the production of nitric oxide.
For breakfast eat 3 to 4 fruits and avoid food which contains high amount of bad cholesterol like eggs.
When you start following this diet within few days your blood pressure will became normal.To control blood pressure more effectively pranayam is recommended. While doing pranayam practice care must be taken under trained yoga instructor .
Daily practice of pranayam for 20 minutes morning and 20 minutes evening are best for managing the blood pressure effectively.
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