Why children should be given love ?
1.Curtis was at least 5 years too young to go to high school. He was damn smart, looked pretty good in a very immature way, and was so completely unsocialized that he could barely talk to anyone else.
Brilliant in math and science, mentally retarded in social intelligence. I tried to socialize him for 4 years. I liked him. Several of my friends did the same, we made him more or less a group project, worked with him, talked to him, took him as our "date" to every social meeting we could do. He was the little brother that all girls loved very much, but nothing stuck. The other male students treated him brutally. He didn't even make it with the geek pack.
2.His family was mainly to blame, although some of his teachers were probably right. They had been told he was a genius and so from the start they treated him like an adult, mistakenly believing that they would help him get a head start. They pushed him to excel, encouraging him to leap forward class after class until he reached high school and was old enough to realize how much he had been cheated of his youth. He refused to skip any more classes, but it was too late. After leaving school, he never got what he was capable of, only focusing on the few sad things that had given him joy: computers, sci-fi, and math. He committed suicide about a decade after leaving high school. It was only after comparing it with other girlfriends that I realized that he was probably also asexual, be it biological or just because he had no idea how to maintain any kind of relationship, sexual or friendly relationship, that scared him as hell . I know he was incredibly lonely, even though we tried so hard to help him.
3.A baby needs play, socialization, to be a baby, not an adult, it needs to be taught how to be a healthy child. This child is the foundation on which the adult must be built. Deny him that foundation, and you'll have a Curtis, no matter how impressive a house, that's still built on sand