5 Books you need to read
According to me the top 5 books you should read are as follows :
- Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life - Wayne Dyer
A book which is based on Tao, it will really give you an alternative perspective to life. Never seen the law of reversed effort put more beautifully than in this one.
- The Power Of Now - Ekhart Tolle
If you are in love with past and the future then this is the book. It demonstrates the power of the present moment and is the key to the transformation you always wanted in your life. A must read. Especially if you suffer from depression or anxiety.
- The Power - Rhonda Byrne
This book can you give you the key for life,I have spent a quarter of a century on this planet believing that I am a powerless creature subject to the terrible circumstances of a heartless entity called life.
- The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success - Deepak Chopra
A book with the road to success. Deepak describes the path less chosen to success but a sure shot one. It was my first Deepak Chopra book and also the most memorable one. If you wonder what you have been doing wrong, get your hands on this one.
- Love, Freedom, Aloneness - Osho
Being an eternal giver, I failed to understand, how a person with a good heart like mine, ended up being a loner many a time, even in the midst of crowds. This book explained everything for me.