Cleanse the pimples of your face in 1 night, know how
Acne can have serious psychological consequences, especially for teenagers. No matter how beautiful your face may be, it can be a pimple but it loses its beauty. Pimples are eggless and can be visible to anyone of any age. This happens to people with oily face. An oily face contains more dust, which closes the pores of the face and causes acne. credit: third party image referenceAcne cream is not uncommon compared to:
Many people use lotions that come with the market to get rid of acne, which is not suitable for the face at all. It is more aggressive than eliminating pimps. Today we are going to tell you about such home remedies, you can take acne in the afternoon and remove it. The home remedy we are going to describe is a face pack made of tomatoes. Acne can be cured in the afternoon.
Tomato Blessing:
Tomato is a vegetable or fruit that is rich in nutrients. It contains vitamins C, A, E, V-6 and K. All these nutrients help in nourishing the pores and skin by removing the breakouts present on the face. In addition, tomatoes work well for regulating the pH levels of pores and skin, which will not relieve acne.
How to make a face pack:
First, take some dark tomatoes and prepare dinner in hot water after cooking, after cooking peel the tomatoes and mash them well to make a paste. Treat the paste made for your face as a face pack and allow it to dry for 1/2 hour after application. After drying, rinse with lukewarm water will make the face glow and the acne problem will disappear.
Tomato Facewash:
If you no longer need to apply a tomato face pack for your acne, no problem. You can use tomato facewash instead. To do this, mix a few drops of lemon juice in a spoonful of tomato juice. Now with the help of a cotton swab, rub the juice around the pimple with your bare hands and leave it like this for five minutes. By doing this, the pores and skin pores will open again and the pores and skin will be removed. This will strengthen the pores and skin.